
Children’s Ministry

One of the most important responsibilities God has given to parents is the teaching of God’s truth on a daily basis. Deut. 6:6-7 Our desire at Steadfast is to assist parents as they bring up their children in the love, discipline, and instruction of the Lord; reinforcing what is being taught in the home. We believe that God’s Word has the power to transform lives – even the smallest of lives. Our prayer is that as the children and youth of Steadfast grow to know God more in His Word, that they would love Him more and respond to the truth of the gospel by wanting to serve Him with their whole heart.
Nursery / Walkers - 6 months to 23 months
The Nursery/Walkers volunteers lovingly care for the smallest members of Steadfast through creating a calm, joyful environment where simple truths about God minister to their little hearts. The curriculum A Sure Foundation – His Praiseworthy Deeds teaches 13 lessons throughout the year, proclaiming how amazing the God we serve is.
Seedlings - 2 years to 3 years
The Seedlings room is just a busier version of what is taking place in the Nursery/Walkers room. The curriculum Hands-on Bible Curriculum shares truths from God’s Word, taught through activities, crafts and bible lessons. As children explore how great and good God is, our prayer is that they will grow in their love and understanding of HIm.
Sprouts, Sycamores, Redwoods & Mighty Oaks - 4 years to 5th grade

We believe it is important to teach children the truth of God’s Word at a young age. His Word transforms lives by His grace and through the power of His Spirit. This truth written on the hearts of children provides a foundation that will be with them throughout their lives. Answers Bible Curriculum is a biblically based, chronological curriculum designed for children of all ages. This curriculum goes through the bible in four years. Every week, children in each classroom will learn the same truths from God’s Word in a way that is appropriate for each of their respective age levels. This allows the whole family a wonderful opportunity to learn at the same time and discuss together what they have learned from God’s Word.

What You Can Expect
We have a safe and secure check-in process for all kids, from babies 6 months to kids in 5th grade. Every child is checked in with a matching printed security pick-up label. Parents may drop their Nursery/Walkers and Seedlings children off in the classrooms as early as 10 minutes before the service starts. Family worship is important at Steadfast. This is why children Pre-K through 5th grade stay with their parents during the beginning of each service for worship. They will then be dismissed to line up in the foyer with their teachers and walk to their classrooms together for Sunday school.

If you have any questions about Children’s Ministry, please click HERE.

Are You New To Steadfast?

Pre-Register your kids or SALT youth now, to make Sunday morning Children’s Ministry check-ins or Sunday evening SALT gatherings, quick and easy.

SALT Youth Ministry

I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow. NLT 1 Corinthians 3:6

SALT Youth Ministry – 6th grade to 12th grade

Students About Life Transformation is committed to the mission of Steadfast, existing to see Jesus transform lives through His Word, prayer and loving relationships…raising up followers of Jesus in the next generation! Our Steadfast SALT youth will enjoy doing life together as they study scripture and grow in their love and understanding of God and His Word. The students will be encouraged with a biblical worldview as they learn to build the foundation of their lives through the application of Biblical truths.

SALT Gatherings

Sunday Nights – from 6-8pm – during the School Year

If you have any questions about SALT Youth Ministry, please click HERE.

Women’s Ministry

The women’s ministry at Steadfast is committed to nurture, equip, and encourage women to become steadfast in Christ and experience the transformational work of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Please refer to the Steadfast Happenings for the various events, groups and studies taking place throughout the year.


Steadfast is committed to the worship of God, the equipping of the saints for effective life and service, and evangelizing the lost. God desires the local church to be the primary means for proclaiming the saving message of Jesus Christ. We believe that missions is any endeavor that fulfills the Great Commission by demonstrating the power of the Gospel of Christ through acts of love, proclaiming the Gospel of Christ, making disciples and gathering these disciples into local congregations, while relating to the needs of the total person (spiritual, physical, emotional, and social).

We believe that missions integrates making disciples of Jesus Christ and establishing them in local churches as we “go, baptize and teach,” thereby fulfilling His Great Commission (Matt. 28:19-20, Mark 16:15, Luke 24:47 John 20:21, Acts 1:8, and Gen. 12:1-3).

Making disciples involves:

  • teaching them all that I have commanded you  -Matthew 28:20
  • equipping the saints for the work of ministry  -Ephesians 4:12
  • sending out those called for service to the Lord  -Acts 13:2-3

Steadfast supports missionaries and Christian outreach organizations, which train and equip Christian leaders to reach their own countries or communities with the Gospel. This strategy applies to International and Domestic Missions, as well as outreach activities to the local community.


Fresh Start exists to see all people in every nation free from the effects of offense, hurt, and loss through the transforming power of Jesus. They help people identify the source of pain, learn the process of forgiveness, and find your pathway to freedom. Forgiven. Forgiving. Free!

FORGIVEN, FORGIVING AND FREE… When you give the keys and control of your life to Jesus Christ, you are FORGIVEN…FORGIVING is when you cancel the debt you hold against anyone and declare that no one owes you anything because God alone satisfies you… When you are FORGIVEN and FORGIVING, you are FREE to become exactly the person you were created to be!

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We are African led and committed to serving and seeing change in 104 communities in Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Ethiopia. We are dedicated to rebuilding HOPE by helping people realize they have the power to transform their lives, villages, and country. Not hope in someone to give them another meal or some other handout, but hope that can only be found in Jesus Christ. That alone provides the changes that include not only the material things, but also their mental, cultural, socioeconomic and spiritual needs as well. Our strategy is to train pastors, help start small businesses and mentor the next generation. We teach responsibility and accountability instead of handouts or charity, calling people to rise up and take responsibility for their families and villages.

We believe that the WHOLE Gospel, impacting the WHOLE person, transforming the WHOLE community is THE ANSWER.

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Greater Omaha Youth for Christ reaches young people everywhere, working together with the local church and other like-minded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to prayer and the Word of God, passion for sharing the love of Christ, and commitment to social involvement.

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Global Friends is a community organization that exists to meet the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of the international student community in Omaha. Global Friends seeks to promote cross-cultural friendships and understanding by providing meeting places and activities in multicultural settings between Americans and International students and scholars.

We have weekly home groups meeting most Fridays and Saturdays during the school year where we share a delicious meal together, play games, make new friends, and engage in meaningful discussion groups.

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The Mission of Activate Global is to fulfill the great commission by providing sustainable businesses to local disciple-makers among Unreached People Groups.

Their Vision is to start 1,000 missional businesses among the Unreached by 2026. These businesses with local believers work in four ways:

  1. Sustainability – providing long-term transformation to local missionaries, disciple makers, church planters, pastors & their communities
  2. Connection – providing local believers with life-on-life connection in the community they’re reaching
  3. Indigenize – helping bring local validity to the new faith communities that are established, which leads to church sustainability
  4. Ingenuity – this approach unleashes creativity as the local believers work toward their own future missionary sending models

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SperaVita means Hope of Life. Our organization helps equip pregnancy centers to offer the hope of life to every client we serve, many of whom are in their life’s darkest moments. It’s in dark seasons that light shines most brightly, and the hope of life in Christ is that light that shines for women and men facing unplanned pregnancies.

The mission of SperaVita is helping pregnancy centers become highly effective at rescuing women and children from abortion. Our goal is to train 250 pregnancy centers by 2030 and see 1 million more lives saved

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Giving is a worshipful response to God for who He is and what He has done! We have the privilege to partner with Him to see more lives transformed by Jesus.